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Left , and right emphasis quote characters
For example: X and 88 are equivalent.
Yes, this example is not "high ascii"! That's because there is a small problem using high ascii -- the actual character displayed is context specific. For example, browsers might use a URL encoding rule to display high ascii characters, while text editors might use a country specific code-page. For example, compare the "code page" rendition (verbally described) and the URL mapping your browser is using
Note that this does not apply to lines in a table.
If you increase LINELEN (say, to 128), you should consider adjusting the CHARWIDTH (say, to 5).
For example:
I)Main section This is the main section I.a)Subsection Subsection 1 starts here and we also have a I.a.1) Sub subsection which contains very lttle I.b)Sub section 2 This is the second subsection.
Since problems are most likely to occur with nested tables (rather then main tables), you can select whether to convert main tables, or just nested tables. In fact, you can even select whether to convert all nested tables, or just highly nested tables (that is, tables within a nested table).