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(updated 10 January 2000) Show me a quote!

QUOTA is used to include a randomly chosen quote of the day to html documents.

QUOTA is implemented as an "INTERPRETable SSI" -- one simple includes an
<!-- INTERPRET FILE QUOTA.RXX param1=value1 param2=value2 ... -->
in your html documents.

QUOTA can retrieve quotes from several sources:

  1. randomly retrieve QOD from a given data file.
  2. randomly retrieve QOD from set of data files defined in index file.
  3. retrieve QOD from standard QOD server using TCP/IP socket calls

Would you like to read the QUOTA manual?

Or, are you ready to download the latest version of QUOTA.ZIP (updated 10 January 2000, size= 20K)

http://WWW.SREHTTP.ORG/apps/quota/, created 10 Jan 2000