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(updated 23 November 1999)

MANAGER allows you to remotely manage files on your SRE-http web server. MANAGER, which is Y2k compliant, can help you: MANAGER has several security features, including:
  • Only the GoServe data directory (and it's subdirectories),
    the GoServe working directory (and it's subdirectories),
    and virtual directories (and their subdirectories)
    are accessible.
  • one can further limit access to these directories (or to subdirectories of these directories) on a client specific basis (using assigned privileges)
  • MANAGER can use SRE-http's dynamic passwords for enhanced security.
  • Manager is Y2K compliant.
    Would you like to read the MANAGER manual?

    Or, are you ready to download the latest version of MANAGER.ZIP (updated 23 November 1999, size= 30K)

    http://WWW.SREHTTP.ORG/apps/manager/, created 4 May 1999