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(updated 26 March 1999) Demo: Search the 1996
U.S. Congress

DoSearch is a fairly simple, yet not too simple, facility for searching ascii text files on your web site.
the SRE-http manual describes how you can use DoSearch, along with an ALIAS, to implement an <ISINDEX> style of "searchable index"

Would you like to read the DoSearch manual?

Or, are you ready to download the latest version of (updated 26 March 1999, size= 24K)

Note that DoSearch requires the SRE-http web server -- at this time, there is no CGI version of DoSearch.

An alternative to DoSearch: GoSWISH creates a compact index of your web-site, and searches it quickly.

http://WWW.SREHTTP.ORG/apps/dosearch/, created 26 Mar 1999