4/22/98 ReStart Utility for the SRE-http Web Server. RESTART.HTM, which calls the SRE-http RESTART.CMD addon, can be used to remotely restart GoServe and SRE-http. To install: Copy RESTART.CMD to the GoServe addon (ADDON_DIR) directory. Copy RESTART.HTM to your GoServe data directory (or to an SRE-http virtual directory). To use: Point your browser at http://your.server.wherever/restart.htm (assuming you installed RESTART.HTM in the Goserve default data directory) If: * GoServe.EXE is in the same directory as SRE-http, * You are using SREFILTR.80 (that is, you are using the standard HTTP port) * You don't need any special GOSERVE options Then: you can leave the three fields blank and hit the SUBMIT button. Otherwise, you can appropriately fill in the three fields (location of GoServe, name of filter, and additional options). Note: The STARTSRE addon offers a somewhat more sophisticated "restart SRE" capability (it runs as a daemon, detects crashes, and automatically restarts GoServe/SRE).