5 April 1999: The PRELOAD addon for SRE-http The PRELOAD addon for SRE-http is used to send multiple requests to HTTP servers. It's major purpose is to "preload" requests to your server, thereby generating a useful GoServe/SRE-http cache. PRELOAD. Best of all, this "preloading" is sensitive to server load -- it will suspend activity when there are active clients. PRELOAD is designed to work as an "custom initialization procedure", hence it requires SRE-http ver 1.2m or above. Given that you have (or will now obtain) an up-to-date version of SRE-http, installation is simple: 1) Copy PRELOAD.CMD and PRELOAD.RXX to your GoServe working directory. Note that you should NOT copy these files to the ADDON directory -- copy them to the "main" GoServe working directory. 2) Using your favorite text editor, or using the EDITSREF.CMD utility, modify the CUSTOM_INITS parameter in INIT_STA.80 (or INITFILT.80, if you are using a version of SRE-http prior to 1.3d) 3) Using your favorite text editor, modify the PRELOAD.n "stem variables" in PRELOAD.RXX. 4) Restart GoServe/SRE-http. 5) Optional: copy RELOAD.CMD to the SRE-http ADDON directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following sections describe PRELOAD in greater detail. * Modifying CUSTOM_INITS * Modifying PRELOAD.n stem variables * PRELOAD.n Special Features i) USERNAME and PASSWORD ii) Wildcards iii) Search and load URLS found in a document * Optimization Hint: Suppressing SRE-http auditing * Running PRELOAD against a selected IP address * RELOADing the PRELOAD requests. * PRELOAD runs as a thread * Monitoring PRELOAD * An Alternative ----------------------------------------------- ******* Modifying CUSTOM_INITS All you need to do is add ' PRELOAD ' to the CUSTOM_INITS variable. For example, you can set CUSTOM_INITS='PRELOAD '. For further discussion of CUSTOM_INITS, see INITFILT.DOC ******** Modifying the PRELOAD.n stem variables The PRELOAD.n stem variables are set at the top of the PRELOAD.RXX file. Each of these variables should contain an http: style of request. For example: preload.1='http://foobar.net/dir1/stuff.html' If you do not include the http://x.y.z/ portion of the address, then the "default server" will be used. For example, if goserve/srehttp is running on mywww.banjo.org, then preload.2='songs/wva.html' would be equivalent to preload.2='http://mywww.banjo.org/songs/wva.html' You must also specify the number of "entries" in a preload.0 statement. Example: preload.0=5 preload.1='index.html' preload.2='imgs/' preload.3='imgs/bigpic.gif' preload.4='docs/describe.txt' preload.5='docs/client1.html , master as43 ' ***** PRELOAD.n Special Features i) USERNAME and PASSWORD The full form of a preload.n statement is: preload.n='http://x.y.z/selector , username password ' Example: preload.5='docs/client1.html , master as43 ' would add a "basic authorization" username=master and password=as43 to the request for docs/client.html. Note that the username password must be preceded by a " , " -- a comma with a least 1 trailing and leading space ii)Wildcards You can use * wildcards to create multiple requests (one for each file that matches a *'ed file-pattern. To do this, instead of the URL, you must specify a "file-pattern" and a "selector-pattern". The file pattern should be a fully qualified filename that must contain one * (wildcard character), it is used to generate a list of matching files. These matching files are then converted into request selectors, using the selector-pattern. Example: If: D:\WWW\SAMPLES contains FILE1.HTM and FILE5.HTM Then PRELOAD.6='D:\WWW\SAMPLES\*.HTM SAMPLES/*.HTM ' Would generate the following requests SAMPLES/FILE1.HTM SAMPLES/FILE5.HTM iii)Search a document for links In addition to requesting a document, you can also request all "local"