20 Apr 1999. Josef Bujok (josef.bujok@trz.cz) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TCP/IP Portscanner - Scans well known TCP/IP ports of one server for active services. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: ------------- First, you should unzip the PORTSCAN.ZIP file to an empty, temporary directory. PortScan comes in two flavors -- as an addon for the SRE-http web server, or as a generic CGI-BIN script for any CGI compliant OS/2 web server. To install as an SRE-http addon, you'll need to copy the following files: PORTSCN.CMD - the SRE-http addon. Copy it to the GoServe/SRE addon directory' PORTSCN.HTML - html front-end for PORTSCN.CMD To install as a CGI-BIN script: PORTSCN1.CMD - the CGI rexx script, copy it into your server's CGI-BIN directory PORTSCN1.HTML - html front-end for PORTSCN1 Usage: ------ Request either PORTSCN.HTML (or PORTSCN1.HTML), enter a valid IP address in the single entry field, and then hit the SUBMIT button. Currently, the SRE-http version will accept either a numeric address, or a name; the CGI version requires a numeric address. PORTSCN (or PORTSCN1) will query this server for a number of different services, and report them to you. For example, it will detect FTP, Telnet, and WWW services (each using a unique port). Requirements: ------------- 1 - RXSCOCK.DLL and RXFTP.DLL must both be in the OS/2 LIBPATH (for example, in C:\OS2\DLL). For your convenience, copies of these files are included in PORTSCAN.ZIP 2 - A useable SERVICES file must be stored in ETC directory of the web server. Disclaimer: ----------- I have tested this utilities on WARP 4 with TCPIP V4.0. This is freeware; with the standard "use at your own risk"