/* 24 March 1999. Daniel Hellerstein (Danielh@econ.ag.gov) This is hereby released to the public domain. SImple OS/2 REXX Cgi-bin script to process HTML uploads (a "multi-part/form" submission"). It will echo back the "parts" submitted (i.e.; the file that was uploaded) The heart of this is the READ_MULTIPART_DATA procedure. Use it in your own cgi-bin scripts. For an example of an HTML document that will invoke this form, see the bottom of this file */ /* get the request method */ method = value("REQUEST_METHOD",,'os2environment') if method='GET' then do list=value("QUERY_STRING",,'os2environment') end else do tlen = value("CONTENT_LENGTH",,'os2environment') list=charin(,,tlen) end /* do */ /* Note: Multi-part form submissions MUST be POST */ notmulti=0 if method="GET" then do /* so this is just the normal request line */ notmulti=1 end else do conttype=value("CONTENT_TYPE",,'os2environment') /* Is this a multipart/form-data */ if abbrev(translate(conttype),'MULTIPART/FORM-DATA')=0 then notmulti=1 end say "Content-type: text/html " say say "The parts " say "
say " Length of submission: " length(list)
say " Content-type: " ||word(conttype,1)

/* not a multipart form */
if notmult=1  then do
   do forever 
       parse var list a1 '&' list
       parse var a1 a1a '=' a1b
       say "Variable "a1a " === " a1b
   end /* do */
end /* do */

/* if here, a multi part form */ 

n=read_multipart_data(list,conttype)    /* this does the work . */
say "# of parts= " n
say "
    " /* now just echo the "parts" back to the client */ say do mm=1 to n elist=translate(strip(form_data.!list.mm)) say "
  1. Vars in part "mm' = ' elist say "" do until elist='' parse var elist aword elist aword2='!'||aword avalue=form_data.aword2.mm say "
  2. " aword " == " avalue '' end say "

  3. Part Value:
       call charout, form_data.mm
       say "
    " end say "
" exit /*************************************/ /* read data sent back by an html FORM declared with: enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" Calling syntax: form_data.='' nentries=read_multipart(stuff,content_type) where: stuff == the body of a POST request nentries == the number of entries found. If error, nentries=0 and form_data. == an "exposed" stem variable which will contain variables extracted from the several parts of this POSTed body. The structure of FORM_DATA is: i) FORM_DATA.0 = # of parts (in this multipart submission) ii) FORM_DATA.!list.j = space delimited list of "variable names" in part j (j=1.. FORM_DATA.0) iii) FORM_DATA.!avar.j = value of the "avar" variable from the jth part; where avar is one of the "variable names" contained in FORM_DATA.!list.j iv) FORM_DATA.j = the value of the part That is: * For each word in FORM_DATA.!list.j, there is a FORM_DATA. tail. Thus, if FORM_DATA.!list.2='FILENAME NAME' then FORM_DATA.!FILENAME.2 = the value of the "FILENAME" variable from the "2nd" part of this requeset FORM_DATA.!NAME.2 = the value of the "NAME" variable from the "2nd" part of this request and FORM_DATA.2 = the value of this "part" I almost all cases, the only "word" will "NAME", which will be the "xxx" from a name="xxx" attribute of an element in an HTML form. You may also see a FILENAME word, which is the filename (on the client's machine) of a file uploaded using a element. Notes: * if an error occurs, a 0 is returmed, and FORM_DATA.!ERROR will contain an error message * a content-disposition entry, if found, is NOT included in FORM_DATA */ read_multipart_data:procedure expose form_data. parse arg abody,atype drop form_data. crlf='0d0a'x /* is there a content-type request header ? */ if atype="" then do form_data.!error=" No content-type request header" return 0 end parse var atype thetype ";" boog 'boundary=' abound /* get the type */ if translate(thetype)<>"MULTIPART/FORM-DATA" then do form_data.!error="No multipart/form-data in Content-type " return 0 end if translate(thetype)<>"MULTIPART/FORM-DATA" then do form_data.!error=" BlendGif upload error: No boundary in multipart/form-data header " return 0 end abound="--"||abound /* since boundaries always start with -- */ abd2=abound||crlf /* loop through message, pulling out blocks and storing in stem var bigstuff. */ /* Now parse the various parts.*/ parse var abody foo1 (abd2) abody /* move beyond first boundary and it's crlf */ /* check for netscape 2.0 incorrect format */ if pos(abound,abody)=0 then do /* no ending boundary, so add one */ abody=abody||crlf||abound||" -- " end mm=0 do until abody="" parse var abody thestuff (abound) abody /* get a boundary defined block */ if strip(left(thestuff,4))="--" then leave /* -- signals no more */ if abody="" then leave mm=mm+1 form_data.!list.mm='' ; form_data.mm='' do forever /* get block headers. Stop when hit a blank line */ parse var thestuff anarg (crlf) thestuff if anarg="" then do leave end else do /* extract the arguments on this line */ do until anarg="" parse var anarg anarg1 ";" anarg boob1=pos(':',anarg1) ; boob2=pos('=',anarg1) if boob1=0 then nixon=boob2 if boob2=0 then nixon=boob1 if boob1>0 & boob2>0 then nixon=min(boob1,boob2) t1=translate(strip(strip(substr(anarg1,1,nixon-1)),,'"')) t2=strip(strip(substr(anarg1,nixon+1)),,'"') if t1="CONTENT-DISPOSITION" then iterate /* don't bother retaining this */ form_data.!list.mm=form_data.!list.mm' 't1 nm1='!'||t1 form_data.nm1.mm=t2 end /* exract arguments */ end /* extract args on this line */ end /* get a line */ if thestuff<>"" then do form_data.mm=left(thestuff,length(thestuff)-2) /* strip off ending crlf */ parse var abody foo (crlf) abody /* jump past extra crlf */ end else do form_data.body.mm="" end end return mm /******************************************************************/ /* --- Example of FORM that will upload a file to this script */ /* Demo of CGI-bin read of uploaded data This demonstrates the UPCGI.CMD cgi-bin script.

What do you want to call the serve to call this file:

Say YES to option1?

Select the file to upload:
