Created by: Daniel Hellerstein,, 10 March 2003 Home2Buy: Financial calculator for buying a 2nd home ReFinan: Display financial implications of a house refinance Short Disclaimer: Home2Buy and ReFinan are freeware. It is not warranted, or otherwise guaranteed to be reliable or accurate. Please see the bottom of the text for the details. Contents: HOME2BUY.CMD -- The program HOME2BUY.HTM -- Tips and Hints for HOME2BUY HOME2BUY.IN -- Sample parameter file READ.ME -- This file REFINAN.CMD -- Standalone "refinance" calculator REFINAN.HTM -- Html interface to S_REFINANCE.CMD S_REFINANCE.CMD -- SREhttp/2 addon: refinance calculator Synopsis: Home2Buy will compute a variety of financial facts concerning purchasing a 2nd (vacation) home. Home2Buy has a variety of features, including: * accounts for mortgage interest and proprety tax income tax deductions, * incorporates rental income and expenses, including depreciation * returns from saving your money, rather then buying a property, * appreciated value of the property Thus, in addition to the price of the property, there are a number of other parameters that you can adjust -- such as the interest rate, the per-week rent, the apprectiation rate, and your marginal tax rate. REFINAN.CMD will compute and compare the financial implications of refinancing your home (displaying 3 plans at once). It has many option, such as supporiting ARM loans, and allowing you to take out a home-equity loan mid-term. Home2Buy Usage: As an addon: Home2Buy is best used as an addon for either the SREhttp/2, or the SREhttp for GoServe, web servers (for OS/2). If this describes you, simply copy HOME2BUY.CMD to you "addon" directory, and invoke it with a "/HOME2BUY?" request from your web browser. Notes: * When run as an addon, the HOME2BUY.HTM and HOME2BUY.IN file are NOT used. * Home2Buy creates a "scenario summaries" data file in your server's temporary directory. If this data file is deleted, summaries will be lost. Otherwise, Home2Buy will be uneffected. Standalone: Home2Buy can also be run from an OS/2 command prompt (and, though we haven't tested it, by REXX interpreters on other operating systems). If this describes you, simply copy all 4 files to a directory on your machine, and run HOME2BUY. In standalone mode, Home2Buy will ask for a parameter file -- by default, it uses HOME2BUY.IN. HOME2BUY.IN is fairly well documented, so it should be easy to get started. You should also look at HOME2BUY.HTM for hints and tips. In standalone mode, Home2Buy uses NetScape to display results. If NetScape.EXE is not in your PATH, you'll need add NetScapes directory (typically, x:\NETSCAPE\BIN) to change your PATH! ReFinan usage: Just copy REFINAN.CMD to a directory, and run it from an OS/2 prompt. There are a number of user changeable parameter that allow you to set interest rates, closing costs, etc. If you want to use the SREhttp/2 addon version, i) copy REFINAN.HTM to a web accessible directory (say, x:\www) ii) copy S_REFINANCE.CMD to your SREhttp/2 ADDON directory (say, x:\sre2003\srehttp2\addon) iii) Hit REFINAN.HTM with your web browser, and fill out the form. Longer Disclaimer: Home2Buy (and REFINAN) is meant to give the user a general sense of the financial factors relevant to a decision to purchase a second home (or refinance). It is NOT guaranteed to be accurate. It might even be wrong in important details. Therefore, this program is offered without ANY WARRANTY or ASSURANCE of reliability. If the programs conclusions should be flat out wrong, and cause you any kind of harm, we are NOT TO BLAME! That said ... we've made a good deal of effort to check both the accuracy of the calculations and the relevant regulations, and we've used it in our financial considerations. If you find bugs or other problems, please contact us (at the above address).