/* 25 Jan 2003. Daniel Hellerstein (danielh@crosslink.net) DirTree ver 1.16d Sort (and display) all files in a directory tree by filename. Also supports directory summary capabilities. You may freely use this utility, You may also find the 3 procedures used here to be useful. These are: resolve_filename: return a fully qualified filename, given a relative filename and directory information StemSort: sort a stem variable (using a bubble sort) dir_exists: detects whether a directory exists Standard disclaimer: This program, and its included procedures, may be freely used, but you use them at your own risk. For usage instructions, enter DIRTREE ? at an os/2 command prompt. */ /***** -- User changeable parameters ****/ /* assume that "periodless" names refer to directories 1 = Yes 0 = No If 1, then f:\dir1 means "search for *.* in f:\dir1" If 0, then F:\dir1 means "search for dir1 in F:\ " In any case, F:\DIR1\ means "search for *.* in f:\dir1, and F:\DIR1. means "search for DIR.1 in F:\" */ assume_dir=1 /* color used in "duplicate file finder mode" html output (this color highlights the filename, subsequent rows contain path of duplicate files) */ bgcolor='#55aaaa' /* used as a filler when the file name has not changed */ filler=' "" ' /* suppresses bold highlighting (set NOANSI=1 if you are getting odd characters displayed */ noansi=0 /* default output file (if -FILE is given with no argument ) */ outfile='DIRTREE.LST' /* By default, should a listing display date and size info. ShowInfo=1 : yes ShowInfo=0 : no */ showinfo=1 /* character used to indicate depth of subdirectory (used with -DIRSUMMARY option */ subflag='$' /* program string for displaying html output */ vu_prog='NETSCAPE -l en ' /**** End of user changeable parameters ****/ parse arg aa parse var aa dirfile '-' astuff if astuff<>'' then astuff='-'||astuff /****/ /* set character display attributes */ if noansi=1 then do normal='';bold='';aesc='' end else do aesc='1B'x normal=aesc||'[0;m' bold=aesc||'[1;m' end /* do */ if aa='?' | strip(aa)='-?' | strip(aa)='/?' then do say bold'DirTree ver 1.16d:'normal' List files and/or subdirectories in a directory tree. ' say say bold"Usage:"normal" x:>DIRTREE directory\file_pattern [-options] " say " Where: "bold"directory"normal" = directory tree to list (default is current directory) " say " "bold"file_pattern"normal" = a file pattern (* is the default)" say " or, you can use dir1\file1 dir2\file2 ... to list multiple 'trees' " say " "bold"Options include:"normal say ' -SUMMARY = Just display a summary (#files/#bytes). ' say " -Onxds = Sort by n(ame), x(tension),d(ate), and/or s(ize). " say " The default is to sort by name only." say " -D = Decending sort (default is ascending). " say " " say " To list all options, enter DIRTREE ?? " say say bold"Examples:"normal" x:>dirtree \archive1\*.zip -Ond -D " say " x:>dirtree -summary " say " x:>dirtree f:\archive1\*.zip e:\projects\* -SHORT -FILEONLY A.LST " say ' x:>dirtree "pets\My Cat*.*" -SHORT -FILEONLY A.LST ' say " x:>dirtree * -x \OLD \ARCHIVE " say bold"Or,"normal" enter DIRTREE at a command prompt (with no arguments) to be prompted. " exit end if dirfile='??' then do say ' '||bold||"Options (DirTree ver 1.16d):"||normal say ' -CT = Count of files with this "filename"' say " -D = Decending sort (default is ascending) " say ' -DIRSUMMARY = Display summary of each directory ' say ' (in dir: #files/#bytes; in subtree: subdirs/files/bytes) ' say ' -DUP = Find duplicate files (-Ondxs will be suppressed)' say ' -DUP NOCRC = Find duplicate files, but do NOT check file CRC ' say ' -FILE filename.ext = Write results to filename.ext ' say ' -FILEONLY file.ext = same as -FILE, and do not display results on screen' say ' -HTML file.ext = Write results using HTML formatting ' say ' -HTML_VU file.ext = Same as -HTML, and run Netscape to view file.ext ' say " -Onxds = Sort by n(ame), x(tension), d(ate), and/or s(ize) " say " -PAUSE nn = Pause every nn lines. If nn not listed, pause every 20 lines" say ' -SHORT,-LONG,-VERYLONG = Style of display ' say ' -SUMMARY = Display summary (#files/#bytes); ' say ' (do NOT display matching files)' say ' -X xstr = Exclude files that contain xstr in their fully qualifed name' say ' Xstr can contain several space delimited substrings' say ' *:filename = Search ALL drives for filename ' say ' LOCAL:filename = Search ALL LOCAL drives for filename ' say ' REMOTE:filename = Search ALL REMOTE (LAN) drives for filename ' exit end /* do */ say /*--- Load REXX libraries ----- */ /* Load up advanced REXX functions */ foo=rxfuncquery('sysloadfuncs') if foo=1 then do call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs end foo=rxfuncquery('rexxlibregister') if foo=1 then do call rxfuncadd 'rexxlibregister','rexxlib', 'rexxlibregister' call rexxlibregister end gotrexxlib=rxfuncquery('rexxlibregister') sortorder='' dopause=0 pause_after=20 /* pause every 20 lines */ isdescend=0 docount=0 dolong=0 lmxdate=14 dosummary=0 dodirsummary=0 toscreen=1 tofile=0 nbdd=0 excstring='' dohtml=0 htmlview=0 duplook=0 if dirfile='' & (abbrev(translate(astuff),'-SUM')+abbrev(translate(astuff),'-DIRS'))>0 then dirfile='*.*' if dirfile<>'' then do if dirfile='*' then dirfile='*.*' /*if assume_dir=1 & pos('.',dirfile)=0 & right(strip(dirfile),1)<>"\" then dirfile=strip(dirfile)||'\' */ if pos('"',dirfile)=0 then do dirfile=space(dirfile) dirfile=translate(dirfile,'+',' ') bdd=dirfile end else do /* parse out " xxx " stuff */ t1=dirfile bdd='' do forever if t1='' then leave parse var t1 a1 '"' a2 '"' t1 if a1<>'' then do bdd=bdd'+'strip(a1) end if a2<>'' then do bdd=bdd'+'strip(a2) end end end bdd=strip(bdd,'l','+') /* pull out each subdir, and fix */ do until bdd='' parse var bdd dirfile '+' bdd dirf=translate(dirfile) /* check for *: syntax, IF found, expand */ if abbrev(strip(dirf),'*:')=1 | , abbrev(strip(dirf),'LOCAL:')=1 | , abbrev(strip(dirf),'REMOTE:')=1 then do parse var dirfile XX ':' dirfile1 XX=translate(STRIP(XX)) IF XX='*' then XX='USED' oy=sysdrivemap(,XX) do until oy='' parse var oy aa oy bdd=strip(aa)||dirfile1||'+'||bdd end /* do */ iterate end nbdd=nbdd+1 adrive='' if pos(':',dirfile)>0 then do parse var dirfile adrive ':' dirfile adrive=adrive':' end dirfile=translate(dirfile,'\','/') apath='' aname=dirfile if assume_dir=1 & pos('.',dirfile)=0 & right(strip(dirfile),1)<>"\" , & pos('*',dirfile)=0 then dirfile=strip(dirfile)||'\' ii=lastpos('\',dirfile) if ii>0 then do apath=left(dirfile,ii) aname=substr(dirfile,ii+1) end if aname='' then aname='*.*' filename.nbdd=aname adir.nbdd=strip(adrive||apath) end astuff=translate(astuff)||' ' if pos('-DIR',astuff)>0 then dodirsummary=1 if pos('-D ',astuff)>0 then isdescend=1 if pos('-CT',astuff)>0 then docount=1 if pos('-LONG',astuff)>0 then dolong=1 if pos('-VERYLONG',astuff)>0 then dolong=2 if pos('-INFO',astuff)>0 then do dolong=0 ; showinfo=1 /* normal, with date & size */ end if pos('SHORT',astuff)>0 then dolong=-1 if pos('-SUM',astuff)>0 then dosummary=1 if pos('-X',astuff)>0 then do parse upper var astuff . '-X ' excstring '-' astuff ; excstring=strip(excstring) end if pos('-DUP',astuff)>0 then do parse upper var astuff . '-DUP ' a23 '-' . ; parse var a23 a2 . duplook=2 if abbrev(a2,'NOCRC')=1 then duplook=1 end if pos('-HTML',astuff)>0 then do dohtml=1 tofile=1 toscreen=0 parse upper var astuff . '-HTML' a23 '-' . ; parse var a23 a2 a3 . if right(strip(a2),2)='VU' |abbrev(strip(a2),'VIEW')=1 then do htmlview=1 a2=a3 end a2=strip(a2) if a2='' then a2=outfile if stream(a2,'c','query exists')=' ' then do say "Writing HTML results to "a2 end else do say "OverWriting HTML results to: "a2 foo=sysfiledelete(a2) end foo=stream(a2,'c','open write') if foo<>'READY:' then do say "Sorry, can not write to: "a2 exit end outfile=a2 call ini_html /* initialize html stuff in outfile */ end if pos('-PAUSE',astuff)>0 then do dopause=1 parse upper var astuff . '-PAUSE' a23 '-' . ; parse var a23 a2 . if datatype(a2)='NUM' then pause_after=max(1,a2) else pause_after=20 end if pos('-FILE',astuff)>0 then do tofile=1 parse upper var astuff . '-FILE' a23 '-' . ; parse var a23 a2 a3 . if strip(a2)='ONLY' then do toscreen=0 a2=a3 end a2=strip(a2) if a2='' then a2=outfile if stream(a2,'c','query exists')=' ' then do say "Writing results to "a2 end else do say "OverWriting results to: "a2 foo=sysfiledelete(a2) end foo=stream(a2,'c','open write') if foo<>'READY:' then do say "Sorry, can not write to: "a2 exit end outfile=a2 end if dolong=-1 then do filler=' ' lmxdate=8 end parse var astuff . '-O' sortorder . tt1='' ; tt2='' if htmlview=1 then do tt1='' ; tt2='' end do yy=1 to nbdd adir.yy=resolve_filename('',adir.yy,,1) if adir.yy='' then do say "No such directory: "adir.yy exit end end if nbdd=1 then do call dosay "Searching in: "||tt1||adir.1||tt2 call dosay " for: "||tt1||filename.1||tt2 end else do do yy=1 to nbdd call dosay "Searching in: "||tt1||adir.yy||tt2 call dosay " for: "||tt1||filename.yy||tt2 end end if excstring<>'' then do do www=1 to words(excstring) if www=1 then call dosay "Excluding files that match: *"||tt1||strip(word(excstring,www))||"*"||tt2 else call dosay " : *"||tt1||strip(word(excstring,www))||"*"||tt2 end end end else do /* from keyboard */ say bold'DirTree ver 1.16d:'normal' sort files (and subdirectories) in & under a directory.' call charout," Starting directory: " parse pull adir adir=resolve_filename('',adir,,1) if adir='' then do say "No such directory: "adir exit end call charout, " Files to find (default=*): " parse pull filename if filename='' then filename='*' adir.1=adir filename.1=filename nbdd=1 dosummary=yesno(' Summary stats only (Y=yes)?',,'N') if dosummary<>1 then do sortorder=1+yesno(' Sort order: ','Date Size Name Xtension ','N') sortorder=substr('DSNE',sortorder,1) isdescend=yesno(' Display order ','Ascending Descending','A') dolong=yesno('Info to display ','Short Info VeryLong ','I') if dolong=1 then do dolong=0; showinfo=1 end dopause=yesno('Pause every 20 lines ',,'Y') end else do dosummary=1 isdecend=0 end end /* ready to rumble */ do jj=1 to nbdd ddd=adir.jj if length(ddd)=3 then ddd=strip(ddd,,'\') else if dir_exists(ddd)=0 then do say "% No such directory: "adir.jj exit end end if dosummary=1 | dodirsummary=1 then do /* just # files, # bytes, and # dirs? */ dohtml=0 /* html only for file listing */ foo=dir_summary(nbdd) signal alldone end if dohtml=1 then dopause=0 if sortorder='' then sortorder='N' fils.=0 iat=0 do mm=1 to nbdd oo=sysfiletree_FILES(adir.mm||filename.mm,'tfils.','FTS') do iuu=1 to tfils.0 iat=iat+1 fils.iat=tfils.iuu end /* do */ fils.0=iat end /* grab the files */ lmxname=0; lmxsize=0 ;mm=0 lmxpath=0 crcs.='' if duplook=2 then say " ... computing CRCs for matching files " do mm0=1 to fils.0 mm=mm+1 parse var fils.mm0 date.mm size.mm . aa . if excstring<>'' then do do www=1 to words(excstring) excstring1=strip(word(excstring,www)) if pos(excstring1,translate(aa))>0 then do mm=mm-1 iterate mm0 end end end nam.mm=translate(filespec("n",aa)); path.mm=filespec('p',aa) if duplook>1 then crcs.mm=filecrc(aa) if nbdd>1 | dohtml=1 then path.mm=translate(filespec("D",aa))||path.mm lmxsize=max(length(size.mm),lmxsize) lmxname=max(length(nam.mm),lmxname) lmxpath=max(length(path.mm),lmxpath) if left(date.mm,2)<80 then date.mm='20'||date.mm else date.mm='19'||date.mm end call dosay "# of matching files= " mm if duplook>0 then do sortorder='NSCD' end srtx.='' kk=0 do ll2=1 to mm do ll=1 to length(sortorder) atype=substr(sortorder,ll,1) select when atype='N' then do srtx.ll2=srtx.ll2||left(nam.ll2,lmxname+1,' ') end when atype='X' then do parse upper var nam.ll2 . '.' anextx . srtx.ll2=srtx.ll2||left(anextx,lmxname+1,' ') end when atype='S' then do srtx.ll2=srtx.ll2||right(size.ll2,lmxsize+1,'0') end when atype='D' then do srtx.ll2=srtx.ll2||left(date.ll2,15,' ') end when atype='C' then do srtx.ll2=srtx.ll2||left(crcs.ll2,18,' ') end otherwise do nop end end /* select */ end /* do */ srtx.ll2=srtx.ll2||right(ll2,7,' ') end /* do */ srtx.0=mm if srtx.0>0 then do /* any matches? */ if duplook=1 then call dosay 'Duplicate file find (without using CRC)' if duplook=2 then call dosay 'Duplicate file find' if duplook=0 then call dosay "Sorting by " sortorder " ... " if dohtml=1 then do call lineout outfile,'' if duplook=0 then do /* don't bother with jump line if dup file find mode */ do igoo=1 to 26 alet=d2c(igoo+64) call lineout outfile,''Alet' ' end end call lineout outfile,'
' end alldone: if tofile=1 then call lineout outfile if htmlview=1 then do goo=resolve_filename(outfile,,,) foo=vu_prog' file:///'goo '@start /f 'foo say " >>> view "goo " with " vu_prog say" (it might take a few seconds)" end exit /* ************************************************ */ /* the following procedures might prove useful in other contexts.... */ /* ************************************************* */ /* this simple sort procedure is courtesy of Stan Irish, and was obtained from comp.lang.rexx Usage: call StemSort 'stemname.',column where stemname = The name of a stem variable containing an "array" to sort. stemname.0 MUST be set to the number of elements in the array! column = (optional) the column number (the character number of values in (stemname.) to sort from. If not specified, sort from column 1. No value is returned, but 'stemname.' is sorted in place. */ StemSort: !stem = arg(1) call StemSortProc !stem,arg(2) return 0 StemSortProc:Procedure expose (!stem) /* returns: nothing Uses: xxx = value(stemname.i) to get element values and rc = value(stemname.i,xxx) to set element values */ sortstem = arg(1) If datatype(arg(2)) = 'NUM' then SortColumn = arg(2) Else SortColumn = 1 d = value(sortstem||0) % 2 /* d is a distancemeasurement */ do while d > 0 do until finished /* start of mini-bubblesort loop */ finished = 1 do i=1 to value(sortstem||0)-d j = i+d /* we now compare and swap items i and i+d */ if substr(value(sortstem||i),SortColumn) >substr(value(sortstem||j),SortColumn) then do temp = value(sortstem||i) rc = value(sortstem||i,value(sortstem||j)) rc = value(sortstem||j,temp) finished = 0 end end end /* end of mini-bubblesort loop */ d = d%2 end RETURN '' /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Resolve a filename into a fully qualified file. This will take a variety of filenames; including such forms as: FOO.BAR, E:FOO.BAR, XYZ\FOO.BAR, and E:ABC\FOO.BAR Returns the fully qualified filename; or (if nocheck<>1, a '' if this filename does not exist. Usage: filename=resolve_filename(a_filename,a_directory,default_ext,nocheck) where a_filename = a filename to use a_filename can contain "path information". If this is relative path information, then the path information from a_filename will be appended to the a_directory. a_directory = a directory, or a relative directory, to use. If a relative directory, a_directory will be converted to a fully qualified directory before path information from a_filename is appended. default_ext = add this extension to a_filename, if a_filename does not have a period (a .) in it nocheck = If 1, do NOT verify the existence of this file and filename = a fully qualified filename, or a '' (signifying "no such file) Hint: if you do not specify a filename, then resolve_filename will check for the existence of a directory (rather then an explicit file within the directory */ resolve_filename:procedure parse arg afile,adir,defext,nocheck afile=strip(afile) ; adir=strip(adir) curdir0=directory() curdir=curdir0'\' if adir='' then adir=curdir /* no adir specified, use current */ if right(adir,1)<>'\' & right(adir,1)<>':' then adir=adir'\' usedrive=filespec('D',adir) usedrive0=usedrive if usedrive='' then usedrive=filespec('D',curdir) /* no drive in adir, use current*/ usepath=filespec('P',adir) if left(usepath,1)<>'\' then do /* relative to current usedrive path */ foo=directory(usedrive)'\' foo2=directory(curdir0) usepath=filespec('p',foo)||usepath end /* do */ oldfile=filespec('n',afile) /* a hack, but what the heck.. */ do forever if pos('\\',usepath)=0 then leave parse var usepath a1 '\\' a2 if length(a1)=0 then usepath='\' else usepath=a1'\' if a2='' then leave usepath=usepath||a2 end select when substr(afile,2,2)=":\" then do /* if 2-3 = :\, then use afile as is */ usefile=afile end /* do */ when substr(afile,2,1)=':' then do /* relative file name on drive */ if usedrive0='' then do /* perhaps use usepath? */ usefile=left(afile,2)||usepath||oldfile end /* otherwise, use afile as is */ else do usefile=afile end /* do */ end when left(afile,1,1)='\' then do /* attach adir drive */ usefile=usedrive||afile end otherwise do usefile=usedrive||usepath||afile end end if pos('.',afile)=0 & defext<>'' then usefile=usefile||'.'||strip(defext,'l','.') /* a hack, but what the heck.. */ do forever if pos('\\',usefile)=0 then leave parse var usefile a1 '\\' a2 usefile=a1'\' if a2='' then leave usefile=a1||a2 end if nocheck=1 then return usefile if afile='' then do /* check for existence of directory*/ isit=dir_exists(afile) if isit=0 then return '' return afile end file=stream(usefile,'c','query exists') /* check for existence of a file */ return usefile /*************************************************/ /* Check for the existence of a directory. Correctly identifies empty directories. Usage: flag=dir_exists(a_directory) where flag=1 if a_directory exists (it might be an empty directory ) flag=0 if it doesn't exist */ dir_exists:procedure parse arg adir adir=strip(adir) adir=strip(adir,'t','\') nowdir=directory() nowdrive=filespec('d',nowdir'\') nowpath=filespec('p',nowdir'\') adr=filespec('d',adir) if adr='' then do if abbrev(adir,'\')=0 then adir=nowdrive||nowpath||adir else adir=nowdrive||adir end /* do */ foo=sysfiletree(adir,goo,'D') if goo.0>0 then return 1 return 0 /* summary of this directory tree */ dir_summary:procedure expose filename. adir. toscreen tofile outfile excstring dodirsummary , subflag dopause pause_after bold normal htmlview parse arg ndo totfils=0 totdirs=0 totsize=0 numeric digits 12 dirstats.=0 if htmlview=1 then call lineout outfile,'

do mm=1 to ndo
   aline='>> '||translate(todo)
   if length(todo)>40 then do
      call dosay aline
   nfiles=0 ; nsize=0
   do m=1 to fils.0
      if fname='.' | fname='..' then iterate
      if excstring<>'' then do
        do www=1 to words(excstring)
           if pos(excstring1,translate(fname))>0 then iterate m
      if substr(attribs,2,1)='D' then isdir=1   /* this is a directory */
      if dodirsummary=1  then do
         if dirstats.dname.!x=0 then do
            if isdir=0 then do 
         else do
            if isdir=0 then do
      if isdir=0 then do

    aline=aline||" : # files=" nfiles
    aline=aline||" ("||addcomma(isz)||")"

  if excstring='' then do
  else do
      do ll=1 to fils2.0
        do www=1 to words(excstring)
           if pos(excstring1,translate(fils2.ll))>0 then leave ll
      end               /* ll loop */

/*   if pos(excstring,translate(fils2.ll))=0 then ndirs=ndirs+1 */
  aline1=aline"; # directories= "ndirs
  if length(aline1)>80 then   aline1=aline||'0d0a'x||"   # directories= "ndirs
  call dosay aline
if ndo>1 then do
   todo='==  Total: '
   aline=todo||" # files=" totfils
   aline=aline||" ("||addcomma(totsize)||")"

  aline=aline"; # directories= "totdirs
  call dosay aline
if htmlview=1 then call lineout outfile,'
' if dodirsummary=1 then do if htmlview=1 then do call lineout outfile,'' subflag='  ' end waslevel=0 do mm=1 to dirstats.0 /* determine "displayed" names */ arf=dirstats.mm goo=translate(arf,' ','\') nlevel=words(goo) pud=' ' if nlevel>2 then pud=' '||copies(subflag,nlevel-2) pud=pud||' '||copies(' ',1+(nlevel-1)*2) geeble=pud||word(Goo,nlevel) if waslevel=0 then waslevel=nlevel+1 if nlevel<=waslevel then geeble=arf dirstats.mm.!showme=geeble dirstats.!showmax=max(dirstats.!showmax,length(geeble)) end call dosay ' ' if htmlview<>1 then do call dosay left("Directory",dirstats.!showmax)||" #files (bytes) [ Subdirs : #files (bytes) " call dosay ' '||copies('-',dirstats.!showmax) end else do call dosay '' call dosay '' if nsubs>0 then do call dosay '' end end end end if htmlview=1 then call lineout outfile,'
Directory#files bytesSubdirs #files bytes ' end iwrot=4 do mm=1 to dirstats.0 /* subtree sizes, and display */ if dopause=1 then do iwrot=iwrot+1 if iwrot=pause_after+1 then do /* pause it */ call charout,bold||'#'mm' ... G(o), ESC to exit, any other key to continue '||normal akey=sysgetkey() if c2d(akey)=27 then exit if translate(akey)='G' then dopause=0 call charout,'0d'x||copies(' ',60)||'0d'x iwrot=1 end end /* pause? */ arf=dirstats.mm arf2=lefT(arf,dirstats.!maxchar) files_in=dirstats.arf.!ct ; bytes_in=dirstats.arf.!size nsubs=0 do mm2=mm+1 to dirstats.0 arf3=dirstats.mm2 if abbrev(arf3,arf)=0 then leave files_in=files_in+dirstats.arf3.!ct bytes_in=bytes_in+dirstats.arf3.!size nsubs=nsubs+1 end if htmlview<>1 then do geeble=left(dirstats.mm.!showme,dirstats.!showmax)|| ' ' dirstats.arf.!ct '(' || dirsizeM(dirstats.arf.!size) || ')' if nsubs>0 then geeble=geeble||' ['nsubs ': ' || files_in || ' (' ||dirsizeM(bytes_in)||')' call dosay geeble end else do bgg='' if nsubs>0 then bgg='bgcolor="#afafaf"' call dosay '
'||dirstats.mm.!showme||''||dirstats.arf.!ct call dosay ' '||dirsizeM(dirstats.arf.!size)||''||nsubs||'  '||files_in||' ' call dosay ''||dirsizeM(bytes_in)||'
' say return 1 /************/ /* ADD COMMAS TO A NUMBER */ addcomma:procedure parse arg aval,ndec parse var aval p1 '.' p2 if ndec='' then do p2='' end else do p2='.'||left(p2,ndec,'0') end /* do */ plen=length(p1) p1new='' do i=1 to 10000 while plen>3 p1new=','right(p1,3)||p1new p1=delstr(p1,plen-2) plen=plen-3 end /* do */ return p1||p1new||p2 /*****************/ dosay: parse arg a1 if tofile>0 then do call lineout outfile,a1 end if toscreen>0 then do say a1 end return 0 /*********/ /* write html header stuff */ ini_html: call lineout outfile,'Results of DIRTREE' call lineout outfile,'' call lineout outfile,'

DirTree Results

' return /*************/ /* express size as xxx.xM or xxx.xK */ dirsizeM:procedure parse arg asize;asize=strip(asize) if asize<1000 then return asize if asize<1000000 then do asize=asize/1000 parse var asize a1 '.' a2 return a1||'.'||lefT(a2,1)||'k' end asize=asize/1000000 parse var asize a1 '.' a2 return a1||'.'||lefT(a2,1)||'m' /* -------------------- */ /* choose between multiple alternatives (by default,a yes or no ), return 1 if yes (or 0,1,2,... for chosen altenative ) */ yesno:procedure parse arg amessage , altans,def,arrowok ahdr='' if pos('|',amessage)>0 then parse var amessage ahdr '|' amessage aesc='1B'x cy_ye=aesc||'[37;46;m' cyanon=cy_ye normal=aesc||'[0;m' bold=aesc||'[1;m' re_wh=aesc||'[31;47;m' reverse=aesc||'[7;m' aynn=' ' if def='' then defans='' else defans=translate(left(strip(def),1)) if altans='' then altans='No Yes' w.0=words(altans) do iw0=1 to w.0 w.iw0=strip(word(altans,iw0)) a.iw0=translate(left(w.iw0,1)) aa.iw0=substr(w.iw0,2) aynn=aynn||bold if a.iw0=defans then aynn=aynn||cy_ye aynn=aynn||a.iw0||normal||aa.iw0 if iw0tfils.0 then leave getit1=strip(tfils.mm,,'\')||'\*.*' wow=sysfiletree(getit1,'stuff0.','DO') if stuff0.0=0 then iterate ij=0 do jj=tfils.0+1 to tfils.0+stuff0.0 ij=ij+1 tfils.jj=stuff0.ij end tfils.0=tfils.0+stuff0.0 foo=cursor(,1) call charout,left(" Total= "tfils.0 "("stuff0.0" directories in "||filespec('d',getit1)||filespec('p',getit1)||')',79) end say return 1 /*************/ /* meticulous sysfiletree, returl list of files */ sysfiletree_files: procedure expose tfils. parse arg getit,foo,atype dd=filespec('d',getit)||filespec('p',getit) dname=filespec('n',getit) dd2=strip(dd,,'\')||'\*.*' oy=sysfiletree_dirs(dd2) do mm=0 to tfils.0 ds.mm=tfils.mm end jj=tfils.0+1 ds.jj=dd tfils.0=jj ds.0=tfils.0 drop tfils. aesc='1B'x normal=aesc||'[0;m' bold=aesc||'[1;m' reverse=aesc||'[7;m' btype=space(translate(atype,' ','S'),0) iat=0 do mm=1 to ds.0 adir=strip(ds.mm,,'\')||'\'||dname wow=sysfiletree(adir,'ffils.',btype) do nn=1 to ffils.0 iat=iat+1 tfils.iat=ffils.nn end foo=cursor(,1) call charout,left(" Total files= "iat "("ffils.0" files in "adir,79) ba=inkey('n') if c2d(ba)=27 then do say say bold" Cancel "normal EXIT end end tfils.0=iat return 1