Client Customization under SRE-http

This document describes SRE-http's client customization facility. In addition to the description, a working example and a configuration tool are included in this document.

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Client customization: granting clients the ability to effect the look and feel of your site.

Whether it's picking the background and icon set, or choosing the types of stories your want to see on a web-newsletter, it's nice to be able to customize the appearance of a set of web pages. SRE-http supports this client customization in a straightforward fashion; one based on cookies and client specific server side includes.

Cookies, which have been around since at least Netscape 1.3 (but, unfortunately, were never supported by Web Explorer) are special pieces of information that a server tells a browser to send the next time(s) the client visits. By judicious use of cookies, SRE-http can efficiently match an incoming request to previously chosen preferences.

Client specific server side includes are, like other server side includes, real time modifications of an HTML document; with the additional feature of reflecting the preferences of the requesting client. Since server side includes can include file replacements and in-line executables, the range of modifications is quite large, and can be achieved with minimal effort -- merely requiring some basic familiarity with SRE-http server side includes.

Briefly stated, the SRE-http strategy is:

  1. Create a set of data that contains a client's preferences (this set will be associated with a cookie).
  2. Tell the client's browser to send the appropriate cookie on future requests (perhaps only for a few selected pages on the site)
  3. When such a request occurs, complete with appropriate cookie, match the cookie to the associated set of data, and use this data to modify client specific server side includes contained in the requested document.

Implement this strategy involves a four step process:

  1. Run the configurator: Using the configurator, initialize the default values for a set of client-selectable options, with defaults for those with cookie-deprived browsers (and you can define many different sets for your different needs).
  2. Create a preference selection FORM: Using the MKCUSTOM add-on, create a FORM that will allow your clients to select their preferences.
  3. Create documents that incorporate client preferences: Using CUSTOMIZ server side includes, create documents that incorporate these client preferences.
  4. Tell your public: link 'em to the preference selection FORM.
  5. sit back and watch....

Installation notes

Installation is described in the READ.ME file. Most of the work is done by the installation program (INSTALL.CMD). Please note that SRE-http support two methods of client customizaton: a simple method and a flexible method. This document focuses on the flexible method; please see CUSTOM.SHT for a discusson of the simple method.

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Sample of a client customization FORM

This demonstrates how one can set up a FORM that enables clients to specify customization options. Feel free to adapt this code for your own use!
Note: this sample assumes you've created a SAMPLES directory under your USERINFO_DIR directory:
The cookies created by this sample will remain valied for 24 hours, and only apply to requests to the /CUSTOM directory.

Client customization: select your preferences!

Welcome to our site's customizer -- you can specify several options that will effect the look and feel of our pages!

Or would you like to see your current (perhaps default) preferences?

Optional:Enter a username:, and a password:
Choose your background color:
  • Light Red
  • Light Green
  • "Light Blue
  • No Background Color

Greet you by your IP name?        ||        Display the time, or display the URL?

How to display introduction?

Enter your own introductory message:

After you "save your choices", you'll be redirected to a document that is built using these selections

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The CUSTOMIZ addon

CUSTOMIZ is an "interpretable" SRE-http addon (note that CUSTOMIZ points to a file named CUSTOMIZ. -- with no extension). In a sense, the CUSTOMIZ addon is a "cookie-aware, client specific REPLACE".

The CUSTOMIZ addon is typically invoked with a server side include (SSI) keyphrase of the form:

              <!-- $ CUSTOMIZ setname.varname , username-- >
for example:
              <!-- $ CUSTOMIZ --> 
  • username is optional (and usually not specified), and
  • setname.varname identifies the client specific variable (i.e.; PERSONAL.CAR) to look for. This client specific variable should contain a string (perhaps a string that contains one of the other SSIs), which will then be inserted into the document.
  • The following contains a detailed descripiton of how CUSTOMIZ finds the value of client specific variables. Beginners looking for a simple example of how CUSTOMIZ is used should first examine the source code for CUSTOM2.SHT.

    1. CUSTOMIZ will parse out setname and varname. In the above example, setname=PERSONAL and varname=CAR.
      If setname is not specified (i.e.; a <!-- $ CUSTOMIZ varname --> keyphrase is used) then it is assumed that setname=DEFAULT.
    2. CUSTOMIZ will look for a cookie with a name of setname. In the above example, CUSTOMIZ will look for a cookie named PERSONAL.
    3. This cookie, if it exists, should contain a client identifier. For example, if a PERSONAL=JOEFILE1 cookie exists, then the idenfitier equals JOEFILE1.
      If this cookie does not exist, then identifier is set equal to DEFAULT
    4. If username is specified, then the above steps (looking for a cookie) will not be undertaken; instead, the USERNAME will be used as the identifier. Inclusion of a username will negate the client-specific aspect of CUSTOMIZ. Therefore, it should only be used in special circumstances.
    5. A ".CLI" data file, containing client specific information, is then loaded. The name of this file is constructed using the SRE-http USERINFO_DIR parameter (or the TEMPFILE_DATA parameter, if you are using an older version of SRE-http), the setname, and the identifier.
      For example:
    8. a PERSONAL=JOEFILE1 cookie exist.
    10. However, if there is no PERSONAL cookie, or
    12. then D:\GOSERVE\USERINFO\PERSONAL\DEFAULT.CLI will be loaded.
    13. Furthermore, if setname was not specified, then
    14. then D:\GOSERVE\USERINFO\DEFAULT.CLI will be loaded.
    15. Note that a .CLI extension is always assumed.
    16. If one of the files derived in step 4 can be found, CUSTOMIZ will extract the varname variable from this .CLI data file. If no file can be found, an error comment is returned.
    17. The CUSTOMIZ "keyphrase" is replaced by this value. For example, if D:\GOSERVE\USERINFO\PERSONAL\JOEFILE1.CLI contains a:
            CAR=<B>Honda Accord</B>
      varname entry, then Honda Accord will be inserted into the document.

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    The MKCUSTOM addon

    As discussed above, CUSTOMIZ requires special .CLI data files. The easiest method of creating such files is through the MKCUSTOM SRE-http addon. Typically, MKCUSTOM will be invoked by a "tell us your preferences" HTML document filled out by interested clients (such as the above sample). On occasion, as when setting up DEFAULTS, you (the webmaster) will need to invoke MKCUSTOM, often by calling the configurator.

    MKCUSTOM recognizes nine parameters:

    1. SETNAME (required)
    2. IDENTIFIER optional, usually not used)
    3. PASSWORD (optional)
    4. NODELETE (optional)
    5. VAR.varname (required)
    6. RESPONSE (recommended)
    7. EXPIRE (recommended)
    8. PATH (optional)
    9. INIT (SUPERUSERs only)

    Summarizing MKCUSTOM options

    Although the following documentation is thorough, it's probably overly complicated for beginners. To get started quickly, we highly recommend viewing the ===SAMPLE=== section in this document's HTML source code.

    SETNAME identifies the "set of variables". The idea is that you may have several distinct sets of documents on your server; the use of setname allows you to assign different sets of client customization options to each of these sets of documents.
    IDENTIFIER identifies who the client is.
    PASSWORD is used to control access to a pre-existing IDENTIFIER file. That is: when PASSWORD is specfied, a pre-existing IDENTIFIER file must contain a matching PASSWORD.
    NODELETE is used to prevent overwriting of pre-existing IDENTIFIER files. If NODELETE is specified with a value of 1, selection of a pre-existing IDENTIFIER will result in an error response. Furthermore, when an IDENTIFIER file is first created with NODELETE=1, then MKCUSTOM will never modify or delete it (even if invoked at a later date without a NODELETE parameter).
    At least one VARS.varname statement is required: they should contain the values to save. The varname "tail" should be the name of the varname to save.

    A response file, typically an HTML document. After submission, CUSTOMIZ will redirect the client to this response file. Thus, RESPONSE should be a valid URL (though you need not specify the servername).
    EXPIRE is used to set the EXPIRATION date for this to include SETNAME cookie (for the current client) -- the value of EXPIRE will be the number of days this cookie will be active.
    This is used to specify what PATH of documents the SETNAME cookie should be applied to.
    When INIT is set to 1, then MKCUSTOM will create DEFAULT.CLI in the SETNAME directory, and insert the specified VAR.varname variables.

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    This configurator will initialize a DEFAULT.CLI file for the chosen SETNAME. Up to 8 variables can be defined:
    if you need to define more variables... just re-configure the same SETNAME, and specify new variable names (the old variables are retained).

    Select the SETNAME:

    Specify the names, and default values, of up to 8 variables:
    Variable Name and it's default value
    or ...

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    Programming Aides

    Ambitious REXX programmers may want to create their own scripts for analyzing and manipulating the CUSTOMization files (the .CLI files). To ease this burden, a small set of useful procedures are provided. If you are using version 1.2k.1097b (or later) of SRE-http, these procedures are available in "REXX macrospace". Otherwise, you can use the CUSTOMIZ.SRF file (it should be in the SRE-http ADDON directory) -- just include CUSTOMIZ.SRF in your REXX program.

    The following documents the what's and how's. You should also try the examples & sample code contained in TESTCUST.HTM and in TESTCUST.CMD.


    Short Descriptions

    Returns 1=success, S-no setname, U-no username, V=no varname
    Find the username that contains the nth match to the target value of varname, in the setname directory (sorting files using sort_by)
    Extract the value of the varname variable from the username file in the setname directory. If new value specified, change/save it's value.

    In greater detail

        Returns status information:  does the USERNAME (.CLI file) in the
        SETNAME (directory) contain a VARNAME variable.   When specifying
        SETNAME and VARNAME, do NOT include path and extension.
      Possible returns  are:
                1 = Success (varname exists)
                S = No such setname
                U = No such username (but setname does exist)
                V = No such varname (but varname does exist)
       Example: status=sref_setname_status('sample','joe10','fontsize')
         Finds the USERNAME, in the SETNAME directory, that is the NTH match
         to the TARGET value of the VARNAME variable.
         Returns the USERNAME that contains this match.
         Options: Use the MATCH_TYPE "matching criteria", and sorts
                  the USERNAME files by SORT_BY before looking for matches.
         Special Case: If VARNAME=*, then return a spaced delimited list of
                       all the usernames in this setname.
         If there is no match (or one of setname, username, or varname does
         not exist), a 0 is returned.
         If nth=0, then returns the number of matches (or 0 if no matches).
         Note that if there are M<nth matches, a 0 is returned.
         Match_type can equal:
                I = case Insensitive matches
                S = strip spaces
               IS = case insensitive, and strip spaces
                * = Wildcard match: case insensitive, strip spaces, and treat
                    * characters as wildcards
         Sort_by can equal:
               N = sort by name
               D = sort by creation date (newest first)
       Example: status=sref_setname_search('sample','city','Boston',1,'IS','D')
              finds the most recent username whose "city" equals "Boston"
              using a case insensitive search,
              ignoring leading/trailing spaces
         Extract the value of the VARNAME variable from the USERNAME (file)
         in the SETNAME directory. If newvalue is specified, replace
         this value with the value of newvalue.
         Special Case: If VARNAME=*, then return a space delimited list of
                       variables available for this setname & username.
         Example: avalue=sref_setname_value('customer','jondoe','age',55)
               Find the "AGE" variable of the JONDOE username (in
               CUSTOMER directory).  Change it's value to 55.

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    Your current request headers

    Cookies, if any were specified, are in the row(s) after the Cookie: line.

    accept: */*
    user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;