20 January 1999. Working with SRE-http daemons. I. Introduction. When creating web-aware applications for SRE-http, the use of daemons can greatly improve performance. Daemons, defined as threads that are always resident in memory, are used extensively in SRE-http. In general, given the "seperate transient thread per request" nature of GoServe/SRE-http, whenever the server needs to access "semi-permanent" information a daemon is usually there to help. For example; looking up usernames, taking care of virtual directory resolution, and recording to the common log audit files are all handled by seperate daemons. Although these functions could be performed using external REXX procedures, and the OS/2 environment, daemons have certain advantages. A minor advantage is that load time is avoided (a small concern when external procedures are stored in REXX macrospace). A more important feature is that daemons can retain information in memory, avoiding the need to reload configuration information and other data files. Furthermore, this information can be retained in useful formats; in particular, as stem variables. By combining this data storage capability with search/sort/etc. code; it becomes relatively easy to create dynamic storage "objects" with auto-refresh, lookup, and other database features. Although potentially useful, daemons are somewhat difficult to work with. OS/2 does not offer easy ways of transferring information between daemons; one doesn't call a daemon the same way one would call a procedure stored in a library. Although it's not conceptually difficult to devise ways of overcoming this drawback, the actual implementation of robust mechanisms can become tedious. In order to overcome this drawback, SRE-http comes with SREF_DMN_, a set of daemon manipulation routines. By using these procedures in both the daemon, and in the programs that rely upon the daemon, much of the hassle of using daemons can be avoided. The remainder of this document discusses these procedures. II. The SREF_DMN_ procedures. To create and use daemons, four actions are required: 1) Launching the daemon 2) Sending information to the daemon, and recieving a reply 3) Reading information into the daemon, and sending replies 4) Closing the daemon Note that #1 and #4 are one time affairs; with #4 often never implemented. Action #2 is associated with a program (i.e.; an addon) requiring some information. Action #3 is associated with a daemon waiting till it's needed. SRE-http (as of version 1.2N) includes a family of "SREF_DMN_" procedures that help implement these various actions. The following lists these procedures, with more detailed descriptions below. status=SREF_DMN_LAUNCH(daemon_name,file_name,optional_arg,logfile,errpre,verbose) status=SREF_DMN_EXIST(daemon_name) value=SREF_DMN_ASK(daemon_name,an_argument,max_wait) request_info=SREF_DMN_WAIT(daemon_name,max_wait) an_argument=SREF_DMN_VALUE(request_info) status=SREF_DMN_REPLY(request_info,reply_stuff) status=SREF_DMN_KILL(daemon_name) Basically ... SREF_DMN_LAUNCH is called (often by a stand-alone program) to "launch" the daemon. SREF_DMN_ASK is used to read & supply information to the daemon, and is often called from an SRE-http addon. SREF_DMN_WAIT, SREF_DMN_VALUE, and SREF_DMN_REPLY are used by the daemon to return information (typically to an addon). ------------------- SREF_DMN_LAUNCH(daemon_name,file_name,optional_arg,logfile,errpre,verbose) where: daemon_name: A name that will be used to label this daemon. It is only used by the SREF_DMN_ procedures file_name: The file containing the program to launch as the daemon_name daemon. If not a fully qualified file name, it is assumed to be under SRE-http's addon directory. optional_arg: An optional argument that will be sent to the daemon upon launching. logfile: An optional log file that will be used for recording errors (errors will also be written to the PMPRINTF window). This should be a fully qualified file name. errpre: An optional "error prefix". If this is specified, when SREF_DMN_ASK encounters an error, it will prepend this string to an error message, and return it. If this is not specified, SREF_DMN_ASK will return a null string. verbose: Verbosity of status messages: 1 to 4, 1 is a few, 4 is too many. If verbose not specified, the value of the SRE_VERBOSE variable is used (SRE_VERBOSE is set by versions 1.3b.0199.c and above of SRE-http). Returns: n = if n > 0, then success; with n the "thread" the daemon was launched on n message = n<0 is an error code, followed by an error message SREF_DMN_LAUNCH will take the program (typically, a REXX program) in file_name and launch it in its own thread. It will also create some necessary "queues and semaphores" that will be used by the SREF_DMN_ procedures. Note that the daemon will remain active so long as the process that called SREF_DMN_LAUNCH is still alive. If you use SRE-http to do this launching (say, with a CUSTOM_INITS, or by requesting your own "launch my daemon" addon), the "process" is GoServe; hence the daemon will stay live as long as your server is up and running. Although launching the daemon through SRE-http is convenient, if you intend to "kill the daemon" without killing GoServe/SRE-http, it is often safer to run your "launch my daemon" program in a seperate process that you keep open as long as needed. When launching a daemon (in its own thread), SREF_DMN_LAUNCH will supply two arguments: the daemon_name and the value of optional_args. The program can use these as it sees fit. CAUTION: Some users report that if you launch several daemons in rapid succession, failures may occur (that is, the daemon might "disappear"). This seems to be cured by inserting a few seconds delay (i.e.; using call syssleep(3)) right after each call do SREF_DMN_LAUNCH. ------------------- SREF_DMN_EXIST(daemon_name) where: daemon_name: As above returns: 1 = Semaphore and queue exist Otherwise, an error code. Common error codes are: 0 = Queue does not exist -187 = Semaphore does not exist SREF_DMN_EXIST checks whether the deamon's queue and semaphore are open. If not, either the deamon was never launched, or something caused its semaphore or queue to be closed. In either case, you can't talk to it! ------------------- SREF_DMN_ASK(daemon_name,an_argument,max_wait,semqueue) where: daemon_name : The daemon_name used in SREF_DMN_LAUNCH an_argument: An argument to send to this daemon. It can be any length, and can be text or binary. max_wait: Optional. Maximum number of seconds to wait. If not specified, SREF_DMN_ASK will wait forever. semqueue: Optional. Semaphore/queue information returns: null string: A null string is returned if a time out occured, or if some kind of error occured. You can examine the use the logfile (described below) to view additional information on the error. Or -- if you've specified an "error_prefix" in DMN_LAUNCH -- an error message will be returned instead of the nulll string. For example, if errpre="ERROR:" then an error return could look like: ERROR: SREF_DMN_ASK: daemon semaphore missing: otherwise: The "reply' returned by the daemon (see SREF_DMN_REPLY) SREF_DMN_ASK will "send an_argument" to the daemon_name daemon, and wait for a reply. You can think of SREF_DMN_ASK as a way of treating daemons as if they were procedures that can take one argument. If you want to send mulitple arguments to your daemon, you'll have to concatenate them into an_argument, and have the daemon parse them out. Note that the daemon might return a null string; which is indistinguishable from the default "error return". If this might be a problem, you should specify an the errpre option SREF_DMN_LAUNCH, and then check for this "error_prefix" upon returning from SREF_DMH_ASK. Semqueue is strictly optional -- if specified, it should be the value of the semqueue variable that is supplied to SRE-http addons. If supplied, semqueue will be used to specify a semaphore and queue to use to talk to the daemon. If not specified SREF_DMN_ASK will create a thread specific semaphore and queue. The only advantage gained by providing semqueue is a slight improvement in throughput (since the overhead of creating a queue and semaphore is avoided). Special Feature: Setting MAX_WAIT='NOWAIT' will cause the an_argument to be added to the queue, and nothing else (a '' is returned immediately) Setting MAX_WAIT='CLEAR' will also add an_argument to the daemon's queue and not wait for a return. It will ALSO clear this queue BEFORE adding an_argument. Note: if an error is encountred, SREF_DMN_ASK will write a note to the PMPRINTF window. In addition, SREF_DMN_ASK will write a note to a logfile. If you specified a logfile in SREF_DMN_LAUNCH, that's the logfile it will used. Otherwise, it will use DMN_daemon_name.LOG (in the current directory, wherever that may be). In addition, if SREF_DMN_ASK is running under a GoServe/SRE-http process, then an error message is recorded using the SREF_ERROR procedure (see SREFPRC.DOC for details). ------------------- SREF_DMN_WAIT(daemon_name,max_wait) where: daemon_name: As above max_wait: Optional. Maximum number of seconds to wait. If not specified, wait forever. returns one of: i) null string : If no request was sent to the daemon within max_wait seconds. ii) a string starting with ERROR, followd by an error message. For example: ERROR Could not find daemon_name. iii) request_info: A package of request information. SREF_DMN_WAIT will wait for a request to the daemon_name daemon; typically one that's sent by an SRE-http addon that calls SREF_DMN_ASK. If a request is recieved, then a bundle of information is returned. ** This bundle is NOT meant to be directly used. ** Instead, you should use SREF_DMN_VALUE to extract the an_argument ** value from it. Example: request_info=SREF_DMN_WAIT('MyDaemon',100) Special Feature: Setting MAX_WAIT='CLEAR' will cause the daemon's queue to be cleared; with the last written entry returned. ------------------- SREF_DMN_VALUE(request_info) where: request_info: A bundle of request information, as returned by SREF_DMN_WAIT returns: an_argument: The "argument" being sent to the daemon. This will be the value of an_argument used in a call to SREF_DMN_ASK. SREF_DMN_VALUE is used to extract information from the request sent to this daemon. You MUST provide it with a value returned by SREF_DMN_WAIT -- if some other string is provided, a null string will be returned. Furthermore, if an ERROR response was returned to SREF_DMN_WAIT, then SREF_DMN_VALUE will return a null string. ------------------- SREF_DMN_REPLY(request_info,reply_stuff) where: request_info: the request_info returned by SREF_DMN_WAIT reply_stuff: The information you want to return to the request. This is the value that SREF_DMN_ASK will return -- it can be a text or binary string of any size. returns one of: i) 1 (success) ii) an error message SREF_DMN_REPLY is the counterpart to SREF_DMN_ASK -- it returns information to the requesting thread. As with SREF_DMN_VALUE, the request_info must be the value returned by SREF_DMN_WAIT -- request_info contains the "name" of the requesting thread, without which the daemon has no idea of who to respond to. ------------------- SREF_DMN_KILL(daemon_name) where: daemon_name : as above returns: 1= success otherwise = an error message Kills the daemon launched by SREF_DMN_LAUNCH. This is an optional procedure, and is included to help clean up resources. Unfortunately, REXX's ability to remove the queues and semaphores created by SREF_DMN_LAUNCH is somewhat flakey. It is generally safer to simply kill the process that launched the daemon. If you launched the daemon through GoServe/SRE-http, that can be a problem; since you'ld have to restart your server. Hence, in cases where you expect to be killing (and perhaps relaunching) the daemon frequently, we recommend issuing SREF_DMN_LAUNCH from a seperate process, and stopping/restarting the process when you want to kill/re-launch the daemon. That is, don't bother using SREF_DMN_KILL -- stop the process instead. ------------------- III. Example. Let's assume you want to create a daemon called RUNNING_SUM. It will take a number and a name, add it to a running sum specific to that name, and return the new value of this running sum. Such a procedure might be useful when keeping track of resource utilization; say of some fancy addon that you wish to make available on a limited basis. The following code can be used to implement such a daemon. To try it out, you'll need to create the following files: RUNSUM0.CMD -- A simple rexx program to launch the daemon. Can be placed anywhere, such as in the GoServe working directory. RUNSUM1.RXX -- The daemon itself -- put it in the Goserve working directory. RUNSUM.CMD -- An addon that ust counts how many times you've called RUNSUM. Put it in the addon directory. RUNSUM.HTM -- Requests RUNSUM.CMD. Put it in your GoServe data directory (the root of your web tree). You can create these files by cutting and pasting the following code -- check out the embedded comments for further details. And, when creating the .RXX and .CMD files, be sure that the FIRST LINE IS A COMMENT (that is, the first 2 characters should be /*) ------------------------------------------------------ ------ RUNSUM0.CMD. Put in \GOSERVE directory ---------- ------------------------------------------------------ /* RUNSUM0.CMD: Launch the running-sum daemon. This program should be run from a seperate OS/2 box (or, you could start it by using SRE-http's CUSTOM_INITS parameter) */ call initstuf /* check to see if sref_dmn_ procedures are in macrospace */ say "Note: you can use PMPRINTF to see daemon status messages" say /* RUNSUM.STM will be used to store running sums, the 1 signals "verbose" mode */ astat=SREF_DMN_LAUNCH('RUNNING_SUM','RUNSUM.RXX','RUNSUM.STM 1',,'ErRor:') if word(astat,1)>0 then do say " Running Sum daemon successfully launched on thread "astat say " To kill the daemon, close this OS/2 box. " say " To let it run, do NOT close this OS/2 box." end else do say " Could not launch daemon. " say " Error message: "astat end exit /* check initialization stuff */ initstuf:procedure /* Load REXX libraries */ /* Load up advanced REXX functions */ foo=rxfuncquery('sysloadfuncs') if foo=1 then do call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs end foo=rxfuncquery('rexxlibregister') if foo=1 then do call rxfuncadd 'rexxlibregister','rexxlib', 'rexxlibregister' call rexxlibregister end foo=macroquery('SREF_VERSION') if foo="" then do say " SRE-http has not been initialized. Perhaps you need to " say " hit your server with its first request? " exit end return 1 /* END OF RUNSUM0.CMD */ ------------------------------------------------------ ------ RUNSUM.RXX. Put in \GOSERVE directory ---------- ------------------------------------------------------ /*RUNSUM.RXX : The running sum daemon */ parse arg da_name,old_file parse var old_file oldfile verbose signal on syntax name goterr ; signal on error name goterr call pmprintf('RUNSUM.RXX launched as daemon: 'da_name) /* read old information that's been stored in old_file (if specified) */ if anarg<>' ' then do if stream(oldfile,'c','query exists')="" then do call pmprintf('RUNSUM.RXX: Warning: 'oldfile' not found.') end else do foo=cvread(oldfile,'sums') if foo=0 then do call pmprintf('RUNSUM.RXX: Warning: could not read 'oldfile'. Result will NOT be saved.') oldfile="" /* suppress attempts at writing to oldfile */ end else do oof=cvtails(sums,'tsums') call pmprintf(' RUNSUM.RXX : Using 'oof' entries stored in: 'oldfile) end end end didchange=0 /* flag indicating that A query was answered */ do forever req_info=SREF_DMN_WAIT('RUNNING_SUM',30) /*wait up to 30 seconds for a request */ /* 1) check for error, and pmprintf it if found. Note that SAY does not work from within daemons-- hence the use of pmprintf */ if abbrev(req_info,'ERROR')=1 then do /* errror occurred */ parse var req_info . errmess call pmprintf(' RunningSum Daemon error: '||errmess) iterate /* assume it was fluke, and try again */ end if verbose>0 then do call pmprintf(' RUNNING_SUM Daemon: request length='length(req_info)) end /* 2) timed out? Take this opportunity to write SUMS. to anarg (if there have been any changes*/ if req_info="" then do if didchange>0 & oldfile<>"" then do didchange=0 foo=cvwrite(oldfile,'SUMS') if verbose>0 then call pmprintf(' RUNSUM.RXX :Wrote running sums to 'oldfile) end iterate end /* 3) otherwise, we got legit request. Extract the useful information */ stuff=SREF_DMN_VALUE(req_info) /* check for error again -- this shouldn't happen, but ... */ if stuff="" then do call pmprintf(' Running sum error. No information provided ' ) iterate end parse upper var stuff aname addvalue /* parse out name and number */ /* explicitily save? Might be needed on busy sites (where 30 second timeout never happens */ select when strip(aname)='!SAVE' then do /* save current values */ foo=cvwrite(oldfile,'SUMS') writeme=' Saved running sums to 'oldfile end when strip(aname)='*' then do /* display all current sums */ foo=cvtails('SUMS','TSUMS') nms='' do mm=1 to foo aa=tsums.mm aa2=strip(aa,'l','!') aa3=sums.aa nms=nms||aa2'='aa3'0d0a'x end writeme=nms end otherwise do /* it's a value, add and save it */ if datatype(addvalue)<>'NUM' then addvalue=0 /* bad input, assume number=0 */ /* using stem variables, get the current running sum for aname. If this is first value for aname, then initialize a stem variable */ tmp='!'||aname if symbol('SUMS.'||tmp)<>'VAR' then do rsum=0 end else do rsum=sums.tmp end sums.tmp=rsum+addvalue /* add to the running sum */ didchange=1+didchange writeme=sums.tmp end end astat=SREF_DMN_REPLY(req_info,writeme) /* return the reply */ /* check for problems */ if astat<>1 then call pmprintf('RunningSum error. Could not reply: 'astat) /* note that an error occured */ end /* wait for next request */ goterr: /* jump here on error */ call pmprintf(' Running Sum Daemon. Error at line ' sigl', rc= 'rc) exit /* End of RUNSUM.RXX */ ------------------------------------------------------ ------ RUNSUM.CMD. Put in \GOSERVE\ADDON directory ---------- ------------------------------------------------------ /* RUNSUM.CMD : A simple SRE-http addon to demonstrate the use of the RUNNING SUM daemon. To use this, you must first run RUNSUM1.CMD (either as a CUSTOM_INITS, or preferably in its own process). Requests for RUNSUM.CMD should look like: RUNSUM?name=name&value=value For an example of how to use this, see RUNSUM.HTM */ /* get request info supplied by SRE-http. For this simple example, we don't bother parse arg'ing all the arguments. */ parse arg ddir, tempfile, reqstrg,list if list="" then do say " This SRE-http addon is NOT meant to be run from a command prompt." exit end /* do */ /* start writing response to client */ call lineout tempfile,' Running Sum ' /* extract NAME and VALUE from LIST (list is the stuff following a ? in a GET request) */ aname="" ; addme=0 /* defaults */ do until list="" parse var list a1 '&' list parse upper var a1 avar '=' aval aval=strip(packur(translate(aval,' ','+'))) select when avar='NAME' then aname=aval when avar='VALUE' then addme=aval otherwise nop end /* select */ end /* no name given? Send an error response to the client */ if aname="" then do call lineout tempfile,' Sorry, you did not specify a name.' call lineout tempfile,' ' call lineout tempfile /* make sure you close the response file! */ 'FILE erase type text/html name ' tempfile return 'No name specified ' end /* call the daemon and wait for up to 30 seconds */ tmpval=aname' 'addme stuff=SREF_DMN_ASK('RUNNING_SUM',tmpval,30) if stuff="" then do /* possible error message */ if errmess="" then errmess="Timed out. " call lineout tempfile,' Error in RUNNING_SUM daemon: 'errmess call lineout tempfile,'
Did you remember to first run RUNSUM0?' end else do /* otherwise, return the current running sum */ select when aname='*' then do call lineout tempfile,'

List of current values

       call lineout tempfile,stuff
       call lineout tempfile,'
' end /* do */ when aname='!SAVE' then do call lineout tempfile,'

'stuff end /* do */ otherwise do call lineout tempfile,'

Running sum value

' call lineout tempfile,' The current running sum for 'aname' = ' stuff ' ' end end end /*return the response to the client */ call lineout tempfile,' ' call lineout tempfile /* make sure you close the response file! */ 'FILE erase type text/html name ' tempfile return 'RunningSum done ' /* End of RUNSUM.CMD */ ------------------------------------------------------ ------ RUNSUM.HTM. Put in \WWW directory ---------- ------------------------------------------------------ Running Sum Daemon Demo

Running-Sum Daemon Demo

Enter your name:
Enter the value to add:

Special values for the name field

!SAVE: Save results
*: Display a list of sums ------------------------------------------------------ NOTES: * After creating these files, point your browser at RUNSUM.HTM and enter a few names/values. You can even shut down your system, and restart it -- values are retained in a special file! * To debug daemons, you can NOT use SAY commands -- when running under GoServe, SAY commands issued from within a daemon do not appear anywhere (not even in the PMPRINTF window). Instead, you can use the PMPRINTF procedure (that's part of REXXLIB). * WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND INCLUDING "signal on syntax name some_location " AND "signal on error name some_location" STATEMENTS IN YOUR DAEMON. Daemons fail silently, but with these "signals" (and pmprintf's of SIGL at some_location), you'll save yourself a lot of grief. Good luck! End of daemons.doc